Drone Tactics Wiki

Drone Tactics Characters Janie

Janie is the third member of the first subordinate unit met, and the fifth subordinate to join the group.

Although she is present in a lot of dialogue, and has a personality similar to Yamato's and is close to him, and has the most personality of the three, she is largely ignored by characterization. The other two subordinate units recieve characterization by their hopes and dreams and daily life after being introduced in the optional dialogue, but her and Raphael recieve none of this and simply talk about the bug they like. She is kind and involved, and particularly likes Yamato.

Her drone is Honey-B, a carpenter bee. It is one of the most potent drones in the game.

Ironically, despite her favourite bug being a bee, and never actually being characterized by anything but her drone, she is wrong on most everything she says about bees. She says they are one of the most feared bugs, but bees are highly resistant to stinging, as they die after they sting because of their barbed stinger, while hornets and wasps are aggressive and don't die. She refers to hers specifically as a 'carpenter bee', and while carpenter bee stingers aren't barbed, they are even more peaceful than regular bees. Further, Yamato mentions that 'Honey-B' "clues to what kind of be it is". While all bees make nectar into honey, carpenter bees don't harvest it to the extent that bees are famous for, with complex honeycomb hives, and instead live inside the hollows of trees. The final Story Mode weapon for her drone is the 'spiked needle', which is a barbed needle, which, again, technically doesn't belong on a carpenter bee. As an aside, her sunglasses are red-tinted, and bees can't see the color red.
